A unique program of seniors helping seniors remain independent and productive community members.
Quality Living Services, Inc is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides services for citizens of Atlanta over the age of 50. QLS operates a Senior center which houses its programming and administrative departments and owns several senior housing communities and one multi-family housing community. Quality Living Services, Inc. manages the housing properties. In addition to its daily schedule of classes, meetings, and special interest groups, recreational and social events are planned throughout the year such as the Annual Christmas Luncheon, Mardi Gras Ball, and a host of picnics and barbeques.
Physical Location
4001 Danforth Rd. SW
Atlanta, GA 30331
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 311045
Atlanta, GA 31131
(404) 612-0750
(404) 505-5788
Emma Fountain
Board of Directors President
Irene M. Richardson
Executive Director